Our Mission

To create a better standard of living for all humans through the lens of love.

As a human, you carry a beautiful power deep inside of you. We are a movement of humans who are looking to use our power to create more love and goodness in the world.

is a social movement created to help aid in teaching a better future is available to all of us through love

A Better Standard Direction

~ All Are Welcome Here ~

It brings the entire collective such great joy that you are here!

Watch this informational video about A Better Standard Direction, a social movement rooted in love for ourselves, others, and the community.

Welcome & we love you,


The point of a movement is simple. . .


Our goal through ABSD is to inspire every day people to take their own power and create change through their every day actions. We all have our own individual communities that we can pour into through easy everyday actions of love. These simple actions begin to ripple into our environment & those around us.

Each week, a Heart-Centered Evolution challenge is sent out. The goal of these challenges are to aid in putting love into the world through the actions you take! They are simple, filled with joy, and allow us to start developing a better standard direction for the life we are living and want to create.

Core Beliefs:

LOVE: The power of love is potent. We believe that when we live our lives through the eyes of love, we are able to meet ourselves, others, and the world with a deeper sense of compassion.

COLLABORATION: We as human beings are all tied together through the collective experience of living a human life. We believe that we are not meant to do it alone but the answers lie within us as a collective.

FUTURE FOCUSED: We believe that the action that we take now develops the future. By taking small actionable steps to make our present life be filled with love, happiness, and joy, we are creating that path to appear in our future.

EMBRACING THE INDIVIDUAL: Our goal and intention is to always meet you where you are. We acknowledge the unique and beautiful gifts that each of us have to offer. We are all basing our thoughts and decisions off our lived experiencing. We welcome all of you.

Contact Us

Get in touch with our team!

We want to know how we can further support you and the movement through your ideas and visions.

We always want to hear you! It is YOU that makes this whole movement possible.